William G. Kerckhoff Foundation
Special Education
Advanced Education for Science
It would not be possible to maintain the worldwide scientific excellence of the Bad Nauheim Max Planck Institute with donations solely from public funding: ca. 500 scholarships have been awarded to talented young scientists from the funds of the foundation since the founding of the William G. Kerckhoff Foundation. These young scientists have received the support of the William G. Kerckhoff Foundation and have been given the opportunity to research new therapeutic methods for the heart, lungs and blood vessels and to make advances in the dimensions of fundamental research.
Further to these important educational investments, the Kerckhoff Foundation successfully financed ca. 2,7 million Euros over the last 10 years in a total of 37 future-reaching research projects in the field of heart, circulation and lungs.
In 2008 the Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research, W.G. Kerckhoff Institute, in cooperation with the Giessen Justus-Liebig-University and the Frankfurt Goethe-University, founded the “International Max Planck Research School for Heart and Lung Research” (IMPRS-HLR). The IMPRS-HLR offers excellent student research orientated, inter-disciplinary PhD studies in the field of heart and lung research of highest international niveau. The subsidies of the Kerckhoff Foundation were also here successfully invested. With the important financial support of outstanding young scientific talent, the foundation provides a continual service of high benefit to society as illness and disease to the heart, lungs and blood vessels account for the majority of deaths in Germany.
Commit yourself also to the support for research and make it a personal investment by making a donation or an endowment to the William G. Kerckhoff Foundation! Contact us or simply visit us: We look forward to meeting you!
An excerpt of our directives for the grant of research grants can be found here.
Visit us on the campus
of the Max Planck Institute:
Parkstrasse 1 · GER–61231 Bad Nauheim
You can reach our managing director
Dr. Matthias Heil at:
+49 6032 705-1705