William G. Kerckhoff Foundation
Research for Therapy and Technology
The William G. Kerckhoff Foundation supports primarily the Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research. Scientists research the fundamental basics and mechanisms of the development of the organs of the circulatory system – heart, lungs, blood vessels – and their illnesses. The vision of the scientists is to find completely novel therapeutic approaches. With the funds of the foundation particularly young qualified talented scientists get the possibility and freedom to realise this vision: Who expected, for example, that the perspective on amphibians can offer approaches to cure the effects of a heart attack? With the support of the Kerckhoff Foundation, scientists of the Max Planck Institute are now researching a project for the exceptional regeneration potential of the salamander heart.
The list of pioneering research results of the former W.G. Kerckhoff Heart Research Institute and the emerging Max Planck Institute is long. In order to guarantee the quality of the research and make the research results quickly available for the patient, continual financial and ideal support for the work is admittedly urgently necessary. Despite a stable budget for current research projects, funds for further numerous promising research projects are not available. The W.G. Kerckhoff Foundation is therefore continually looking for further donators who would like to accompany and influence a project from the start and thereby ensure that their own personal requirements are met.
Information for possibilities to subscribe and make donations can be found here.
Visit us on the campus
of the Max Planck Institute:
Parkstrasse 1 · GER–61231 Bad Nauheim
You can reach our managing director
Dr. Matthias Heil at:
+49 6032 705-1705